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Navkar Plywood

About The Project

Navkar is a top company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, that makes and sells really good plywood and plywood boards, like Commercial Plywood, Premium Plywood, and Alternate Plywoods. They had a website, but it looked old and wasn’t very good anymore.

They asked us to make their old website look new and better. They also wanted to start advertising on social media and Google to tell more people about their plywood. The new website had to be really good at getting people interested in their products.

So, we made their website new again. We made sure it looked modern and was easy for people to use. Now, when someone visits the website, they can easily learn about all the plywood products Navkar offers. We also made the website great for getting leads. This means that when people see the ads and come to the website, there’s a good chance they will want to buy plywood or learn more.

We also made sure the website works well with ads on Facebook, Google, and other places on the internet. This way, more people can find out about Navkar and its products. Now, Navkar not only has a website that looks good but also helps them sell more plywood and grow their business.

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